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Semantic IPTV auf der LNdW 2013

Semantic IPTV wird in der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften als interaktives Medienerlebnis im...


Semantic IPTV auf der Cebit 2013

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Semantic IPTV auf der LNdW 2012

„Semantic IPTV” wird im Rahmen von Connected Living in der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften als...


It can be observed that current IPTV standardization bodies recognized the growing need to enhance their IPTV service architectures with personalization and recommendation services. This has some impact on current IPTV standardizations, which introduce personalized channels, notifications and  content guides based on recommendations generated from user preferences and collected user data.
We think such IPTV services can be enhanced by the integration with semantic services that provide IPTV services and applications with a semantic knowledge sharing system by utilizing semantic approaches.

We plan to enrich the metadata of our semantic IPTV services with publicly available semantic data provided via linked open data (LOD). Large amounts of information as provided by linkedMDB and DBPedia would be very valuable to integrate with our application and the IPTV context.

We expect a huge potential in the semantic exploitation of communications related information (e.g. presence data, social web applications). Exploiting these information bears large potential to improve personalized recommendations. Furthermore, this kind of data might form an interesting new dataset, which can be contributed to the LOD-cloud as a basis for new intelligent information services.

Regarding real-time information, a next step will be the integration of social web services to our application, since this is nearly a mandatory feature of multimedia applications today.

A further focus will be the realisation of multiplatform client solutions conform to NGN, IPTV and Web standards utilising our semantic recommendation services which enable a seamless consuming, sharing, searching and accessing of mutlimedia content.